Ok, first off I know I’m way behind the curve. This article came out almost 6 months ago but I just read it this weekend. So, the argument is that the web is dead because it has been colonized (in the words of the authors) by a few entrepreneurial dictators. They argue that the rise of applications, Apple, Google & Facebook have obliterated the freedom that the internet & hypertext first introduced us to.
Web has been taken over by ambitious men who want to make lots of money. We were supposed to be witnessing a revolution but instead Steve Job, Mark Zuckerberg and company just stapled the consumer paradigm we’re all familiar with on top of something new & fresh. Wake up! Unfriend yourself on Facebook.
I don’t think it’s dead! Why? It’s still there, hypertext still lives & is waiting for adventurous clickers to wake up from their app-induced stupor. The free web is still there, less visible yes but it’s still there struggling for breath under the weight of the big apps.
Read the article from Wired Magazine, it’s thought-provoking!