What a revelation! My first day at the controls in the studio was a blast. I learned so much and think I caught on pretty quick. Brent left Kenji & I alone for about 3 hours with me at the controls. There were a few texts and phone calls as we started to track a new song, but for the most part I understood what I was doing and needed to do. A credit to my teacher, Brent! And, all the hours I have spent looking over his shoulder to see what setting did what. I flipped between Pro Tools and Ableton and put Kenji through his paces. We got through adding multiple backing vocal and guitar tracks, an accordion track and a glockenspiel track.
I thoroughly enjoyed myself as evidenced by this photo that Brent snapped upon his return…Not exactly sure what I’m doing in this photo – I suspect I’m enjoying the groove and whatever musical magic Kenji happened to making at that moment.
A friend once said to me that I should do my own recording. As a woman, it would be revolutionary for me to be at the controls, an act of feminist defiance and role reinvention. I agreed but resisted because I felt that being immersed in the details of the knob turing and button pushing would take away from my artistic presence in a project. So, I continued to position myself behind the mic instead of exploring what it might be like behind the controls. But, the revelation for me was that it was just the opposite…I saw a whole new world of possibility opening up and now want to do more! Thanks for the opportunity and the learning B!