Rabble.ca pointed me to an article on Green Planet earlier today. The article, titled 7 Foods So Unsafe Even Farmers Won’t Eat Them, is unsettling to say the least. I can’t say any of it was news to me with the exception of hearing the farmers’ voices criticizing their own mainstream, conventional farming practices:
But here’s the scary thing, Moyer says that he’s talked to potato growers “who say point-blank they would never eat the potatoes they sell. They have separate plots where they grow potatoes for themselves without all the chemicals.”
I remember as a kid one of the purest, simplest pleasures was to open the fridge after school, pull out a bottle of milk and gulp some down.
Now, I wouldn’t touch it unless it was guaranteed organic & growth hormone free. 35 years ago, my parents, like many families today, wouldn’t have been able to afford to buy organic.