My lyric video for ‘Compassion Machine’ officially released on all platforms Friday, March 26th.
You can see the video now on my Youtube channel.
Video by me
Single artwork by Laforest Creative
About the song and the video…
During the pandemic, I’ve had lots of time on my hands and have been keeping those hands busy by experimenting with new tech and video editing. This video captures my love of the written word. My songwriting often starts in one of my notebooks with experiments with words and phrases. ‘Compassion Machine’ started off this way, as a poem that found its voice later on. I wanted to capture the moments of solitary writing in one of my notebooks.
I loved writing the lyrics to “Compassion Machine”. It’s a metaphor I had spinning around in my creative mind for a few years before I wrote the song. It ended up as a series of metaphors for how we seek connection through technology and what happens to us when we seek connection this way. This song took on an entirely new meaning for me in the pandemic, as technology has also been a salve for me and has given me the gift of human connection despite distance.
This anthemic song is meant to bring the listener a sense of release from the modern alienation of our dependency on technology as a replacement for connection with life. Each one of us has a compassion machine. It may take many forms – a religion or faith, a cel phone, a video game, a bottle of wine, a show to binge-watch on Netflix. The compassion machine is a salve to the day-to-day grind & helps numb out the pain of disconnection in the modern age.